Stalled Saturday, Writers and LIFE

 Writer’s Gonna Write

Hello world! Today’s blog is going to be something a little different than you’re used to. We here at FTG are constantly posting one form of positive thinking/actions or another. I know you’re used to me posting my Celeb Saturday’s and while I do enjoy pointing out where people have come from and where they are now, I thought I’d post something closer to home. Celebrities weren’t always famous. They came from somewhere, which is why I take the time to research some of the most hated on and find their redeeming qualities. You know? The one’s that don’t make news headlines.

Today, I’m going to talk to you, not about being helped, but a helper. I want to post about her, before she becomes famous so when she does hit the level of ‘well-known’ there’s a piece of writing to look back on. With fame comes the trash talk-every one seems to know and understand that. Let’s hope more people can learn to use their words to uplift.

Many of the people in my class want to become some type of professional writer, including myself. I can’t tell you to what degree or level they want to take it, but I would wager to think there are at least a few who want to be ‘well-known’ (famous) authors. Believe it or not, when you become any type of famous, you learn there also exists every type of hater. Just look at Stephanie Meyer for example. The lady wrote a series that blew up into an international phenomenon.

Funny how people will find anything to pick on. I browsed through some commentary one day, on some reviews site a while back and was shocked at some of the negative things people had written about this author. Ranging from, ‘she’s horrible; worst writer ever; dumbest series ever’ to personal attacks on her character as a mother and human being. Really? Funny how several of those who wrote negative comments had obviously read the entire series to be able to say some of the things they did. If you hated it that much and the writing was so painful how did you make it through 4 thick novels? Thousands of words and hours of your time and all you can do is complain? It’s sad.

I want us, as a class, to be prepared when we finally do, if you haven’t already, gather the courage to put your work out there. It’s a cruel world sometimes, even for successful best-sellers. The fear of rejection is a powerful vice not everyone can overcome. Put on that armor of thick skin now. If you’re anything like me, you’re still learning how to build it. My armor is about as thick as rice paper-it’s sad really. To put my money where my mouth is, this week I’m going to be posting my work for all to see. It’s terrifying! The thought alone keeps me awake at night. It’s 3:30 in the morning now and in addition to motherly duties and concerns, my nerves forced me out of bed and here I sit at my PC blogging it out of my system.

I hope the semester has coasted along much smoother for the rest of you. Just think back to the beginning of class to now. Have you improved? With improvement comes confidence and if I could hope you took one thing away from this course it would be confidence. It’s one of the most important layers you’ll need when you put on that armor.

I have a friend, fellow writer, who has been pounding out the pages to her novel MS, short story MS and more. I’ve been walking the journey with her, critiquing her work, making suggestions here and there at places to tweak her writing. The time finally came where the pieces were finished and ready for submission. Here’s where that rejection armor comes into play. I critique so many works it’s become fairly easy to recognize good work almost instantly when you see it. Along with a few others of course, I was a HUGE cheerleader to this author. When she received her first rejection letter, it was heartbreaking for her. Your writing is such a personal piece of art, a work that, when rejected or picked on, you can’t help but take every criticism personally.

She has a fighting spirit for sure, so there was no way she was going to give up no matter what I or anyone else said, but I did tell her, my grandma always says ‘it’s not how you start the race, it’s how you finish it.’ This amazing person sent out 3 query letters, Her first response was a rejection. I said, you have to get through the no’s before you reach the yes. She was going to get that yes, I’d never been more sure of anything ever! Then guess what? Two more responses came, both yes’s!

Some writers get 50+ rejections before they get their acceptance. I hope we can all keep that in mind when the time comes to push for our dreams and put our own writing out there. I want to shout out a HUGE congratulations to my fellow writer and friend, Kishan Paul! You put on that armor and pushed, pushed, pushed. When you’re famous always know you started off as a good person and when that inevitable hater garbage is flung your way, chin up, keep that confidence firmly in place because you are an amazing and thoughtful person and there are people that will always know that about you!

For those of us out there that blog on alternate personal blog sites and who like to blog about upcoming books and new authors, there’s a blog tour sign up going on for Kishan’s new stuff coming out.

We always talk about helping on FTG, this is my way of actually doing it! 😀

Kishan Paul

Image of Kishan Paul

From daring escapes by tough women to chivalrous men swooping in to save the day, the creativity switch to Kishan Paul’s brain is always in the ‘on’ position. If daydreaming stories were a college course, Kish would graduate with honors.
Mother of two beautiful children, she has been married to her best friend for over 16 years. With the help of supportive family and friends, she balances her family, a thriving counseling practice, and writing without sinking into insanity.

To keep in touch with Kish:
Coffee Talk:
Sign up for her newsletter at:

Upcoming Publications:
Her contemporary romance, Blind Love, will be published by Samhain Publications in the summer 2015.
Her short story, The Ice Storm, will be released in The Bowman’s Inn Winter Anthology December 2014.

Taking the Plunge

  • Kishan Paul’s contemporary romance short storyTaking the Plunge will be published in self published. Available February 2015.

    Thank you to all the Scribbers who critiqued and helped make this story awesome. A special thank you to: Kristen Sanchez, Paula Spencer, Allison Black, Heather Rawlings, Kelly Hastings, Anna Brooks, and Aubrey Wynne. You guys rock!!

    Kishan Paul

  • Kishan Paul’s contemporary romance novel Blind Love will be published by Samhain Publications. Available June 2015.

    A special thank you to Louise Michel, Aubrey Wynne, Paula Spencer, Kelly Hastings, Kristen Sanchez, and Hope Laslow and all the other scribbers for sticking with me and cheering me on.

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